Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Live It Up

It stems a man’s identity, it exhumes his talent and sculptures his life style……..
It is at this age a man handles much more ‘exceptions’,’ catches’ and swirls his ideas with a good will to mould the future…..
In search of excellence, the drama of life unleashes new pastures, projects new scripts and dictates new rhythms …..
This would happen when diversity of ideas intercept, converge, bend at an angle, twist on a axis…..they all would revolve around a central theme….

Much could be said about this piece of humans literature…the transition from being unburdened lad living in a world filled with rejoicement, fun and folly to an individual dazed at once by the spectrum of the new world----the great wide, beautiful, wonderful world {that would present him with wide vagaries of monsoon}……..
This jigsaw puzzle could lead to complete renunciation or enchanting personification……In either ways it is this part of life that shaped the lifestyle of “Mahatma’s”, “Nehru’s”, “Che’s…”…
Bachelorhood in spite of being the most charming section in an individual’s history unearths so much energy, which each and every atom in this world would awe at!
This part of an individual’s life is called as energy
to bend the rainbows
to capture unknown roads and explore unknown vistas,
to propel the thoughts for a better view of d horizon,
to clear the mists in the sky and have a blink at the stars,
to puzzle the creative universe to capture unknown arts,
to combat the toughest of the winds with an iota of courage,
to bend the unbendable,
to mediate the nonnegotiable,
to tame the untamable,
to support and recognize the voice of unrecognizable,

Energy that,
Doesn’t know the limits of its freedom,
Doesn’t care the reactions of its actions,
Upbeats to soak the cloud of injustice,
Resounds in pursuit of its own identity,
Pitches its boots against the toughest of the roads,
Sheds it sweat to wipe out the sweat (in d form of tears) that ebbs out of it beloved eyes,
Raises its glasses in honor of someone,
Spoils itself in want of someone,
Aims at the star (as a pendant) for his gf,
Takes unknown lectures from unknown people to load a chartered trip,
An energy that rings a bell for a tryst with destiny…..
Like a passing cloud this monsoon of energy might fade off……lets invigorate it!
Let’s live it!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This part of my thoughts is about survival

For some survival is security, for some it’s pleasure,
For some it’s melancholy, for some it’s the longing,
For some it’s absurd, for some it’s wealth, health and stealthL
For some it’s love,
For some its thoughts submerged in memory (pain of love), the fear of the being dethroned from their loved ones …..
For some it’s ideas, For some it’s imagination,
For some it’s implementation,
And for a majority it’s walking through the finer pastures with a pre imbibed destinations chalked for them….
I always dream upon the way with which the society operates……it detonates and perhaps persuades us with the concept of survival. It pities the needy, suppresses the people who don’t acquaint to this ever changing universe (Survival of the fittest).
And for some extraneous people survival lands up nothing more than watching, decoding an encrypted universe, bullying their brains, throbbing their hearts to communicate with a lifeless machine, and befriending a machine with a 2 GB RAM capable doing miracles of unknown latitude, and providing fantasies of unknown dilution J….perhaps they live in a vicious circle (even Iam buoyed by all these virtualized environment)….

In this context of survival numerous human emotions’ get blurred from or vicinity………..

The first step @ the insti,
The first hand-shake of a lasting friend,
Spirit of a new born individuality,
Dreams that pitches up our scale to aim at unknown vistas,
Those un-ending arguments,
Those unfathomable thoughts,
Those memoirs of first love,
Sensation of a first smoke,
Ecstasy of first vodka, with glasses clinging across the round table conference”
In the context of survival, we act against our pursuit of happiness; we submerge ourselves of living and serving ourselves. The ultimatum landing up no more than a square compartment of a compliment demarked and a chassis suffixed with some axles to take you to speedy drive. Of course there are some unimaginable achievements but at the cost of???? (Resolution unknown).

In our run for survival,
Ideas get realized,
Thoughts get provoked,
Identity becomes neutral,,
Beauty becomes eternal,
And money becomes the centrifuge!
Way of life is a thing of beauty which each and every individual designs for himself, nurtures for his satisfaction, and lives for his happiness……any way of life being forced to act upon for a societal outlook results a fruitless seed rotten at early stage, useless for itself and for the fabric of the society as a whole.
Let us live to ‘feel’ the aura blessed with the flora of life! After all there is one life to live, to re-define our slated path of the so called “survival”, and moulding it for a better future is crossword left with our hands ….

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Independence Day

Behind those hundred years there is a history,

Behind those revolution’s there is a message,

Behind those untraded marches there is a “path of liberation”,

Behind those tears there is a mark of accomplishment,

Behind those sacrifices there is a “spirit of independence”……..

So let us,“Unleash our talents,

Realize their dreams,

And prove our majesty

To spell the spirit of independence to humanity!”